Consultations, which are scheduled by the legal assistant staff or attorneys, are provided by telephone, online via video, email as well as in person.
If the client retains BOGLE & CHANG, LLC (within 1 week of the initial consultation) by signing a Legal Fee Agreement AND pay at least half the attorneys fee, the initial consultation fee will be credited towards the total firm fee. Therefore, the initial consultation will be free.
Consultation and Fee Policy

The Following Should be Provided Before In-Person Consultations:
1. A completed Consultation Questionnaire.
2. Copies of all documents relating to an individual's immigration status, including passport, I-94Arrival/Departure Card, work permit, all previous submissions to, or decisions by, any of the Bureaus of theDepartment of Homeland Security, the Department of Labor,the United States Department of State, or; ImmigrationCourt, or the Board of Immigration Appeals, a detailed and current Curriculum Vitae (Resume).
3. The fee for an initial in-person Consultation with an Attorney is $300.00 for up to 60 minutes, while an Online Video or Phone Call Consultation is $200.00. For an Emergency or Expedited Consultation (within 5 days) or an issue which requires prior research, the Consultation Fee is $500.00.

Payment Should be Made at the Time of Appointment or Prior to Confirmation:
In order to schedule an Appointment for a Consultation, Payment is to be received on booking date or before it is booked with the Attorney.
NOTE: If paying by check at the time of in-person Consultation, the firm ONLY ACCEPTS Cashiers Checks or Money Orders.
4. Deposits can be made securely on our website Fee Structure page and click on PAYPAL Payments. Paypal is secure and clients are able to use personal or business checks, debit and credit cards to make payments.

Purpose of the Consultation
The purpose of the Consultation is to provide the attorney with sufficient information to allow for a full analysis and comprehensive advice on immigration options, including estimated time frames, legal fees and costs. A fee for each option, based on the facts presented, will be quoted during the Consultation meeting, provided that all relevant documents have been presented.
The attorneys of BOGLE & CHANG, LLC generally bill on a flat fee basis, although some cases are billed at an hourly rate. The fees in each case reflect the individual facts presented, the urgency of the situation, and the anticipated time and skill required. Payment terms will be discussed during the Consultation.
The information provided to BOGLE & CHANG, LLC in the Questionnaire and during the Consultation is for the purpose of obtaining a Consultation and is not intended for the purpose of establishing an attorney client relationship until an individual seeking representation has executed a written legal services agreement entering into such a relationship with BOGLE & CHANG, LLC.